海量外教资源 (A Huge Bank of Foreign Teachers)
博外外教数据库拥有万余名国内外教资源,8万名境外外教资源。 我们在美国、加拿大和英国拥有合作伙伴。Bowai's Foreign Teacher Database consists of more than 10,000 foreign teachers in China and more than 80,000 foreign teachers abroad. We have partner companies in the USA, the UK and Canada.
优质招聘服务 Excellent Hunting Services
博外所有外教全部经过严格招聘流程筛选后再推荐给客户,流程包 括:1.简历筛选; 2.两轮面试;3.背景调查;4.教师培训。另外, 我公司长期跟踪评估外教教学情况, 二个月内对不能达客户要求的 外教免费更换。 All the foreign teachers from Bowai Education have been selected through a rigorous recruitment process: 1. strict resume screening; 2. two interviews; 3. background investigation; 4. teacher training. Moreover, we monitor our teachers' performance on a regular basis. If our clients ever have any concerns or problems, we are always available to help and provide new teachers at no cost within two months.
专业招聘顾问 Professional Recruiting Consultants
所有专业招聘顾问拥有两年以上外教招聘经验,其中数名从美国和 澳洲留学归来,数名拥有3年以上BEC、SAT、IELTS、TOEFL 课程培训经验。此外,博外还拥有数名外藉招聘顾问。 All foreign teacher hunters have at least 2 years' recruitment experience. Several of them have returned from the USA and Australia after completing their studies. Several have more than 3 years' teaching experience in BEC, SAT, IELTS, and TOEFL. In addition, we have a few foreign recruiting consultants.