TESOL Course About us
About Us 3.Client References (1)

We have many teacher clients who highly recommended us on linkedin for our professionalism and great business ethics. Here are some of them. For more, you can visit the link (

Please be kindly advised that our company’s English name “Bright Education” has been changed to “Bowai Education”. Bowai is the Pinyin (like English spelling) of “博外” from our company’s Chinese name “博外教育” which was fully registered with a business license in 2010. Our trademark“博外教育/Bowai Education” was fully registered in 2010 as well. We have decided to cease using “Bright Education” because we were not able to register this English name in China as the related department here only registers Chinese company names. 

References from some clients

References from some clients

About Bowai Education Bowai Education, established in Shanghai in 2008, have been providing educational consultation and training services with great support from universities and other educational organizations from China and abroad. In the beginning, we mainly provided business English training courses for businesspeople to improve their English. We were well received by our clients due to our professional and dedicated trainers, excellent services and reasonable prices.
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Contact Us
English address: Room 1504, Wisdom Cube, Shunyi Road
No. 18, Putuo District, Shanghai;
Cory Liu 137 6100 0883
Robert He 139 1679 3655
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