Corporate Training About us
About Us Company’s Profile

Bowai Education(博外教育)(, established in 2008, is a professional educational organization based in Shanghai, China. We provide business English training courses, life skills training courses, and business communication skills workshops for individuals, companies and schools of various kinds. Our training services for business professionals were well received by them due to our professional and excellent services as well as our very reasonable prices. In recent years, we have expanded our business scope that includes English summer camps for children, one-on-one courses, and tutoring job-hunters in interview English.

We are committed to being professional and improving our students’ English. Students who have studied with us will usually recommend their friends and colleagues to us because they have made a big progress in their (business) English here and would like their friends or colleagues to do the same. We now have students of not only Chinese nationalities but also of Qazaqstan, Russian, Ukraine, and Japanese nationalities, and they are from different industries. We promise that we will not disturb you like other training centers using numerous cold calls. We attract our students with our own charm and strengths.

Some business English books edited by us (我们精心打造的培训教材)

Company’s Profile(公司简介)

Company’s Profile(公司简介)

Company’s Profile(公司简介)

Some satisfied clients(部分满意客户)

招商银行、花期银行、美标、UTC、JCB、特灵空调、HQCEC、APL、微软、3M、飞利浦、西门子、艾默生、美国国家仪器、中德安联保险、富士施乐、美国强生、惠氏制药、百特医疗、辉瑞中国、博士伦、阿克苏诺贝尔、麦克维尔、丹佛斯、甲骨文、福特汽车、大众汽车、天纳克、博泽电机、芬欧汇川、天合光能、亚德诺半导体、德国汉高、弗若斯特沙利文、中国银行、爱茉莉太平洋、荷美尔、高知特、EMC、Moduslink、TECKWIN、 WORKSOFT、LEAR地毯、LINKIN、上海外滩中心、爱思帝达耐时(上海)驱动系统有限公司、远播集团、昂立教育、中航油、MOVOTO、VOLVO\高砂香料、美国商会、格兰富水泵、TUV、MVP、Gambro Medical、KENEXA、诺凡赛尔、Vohringer、Voith、CALSONIC KANSEI、Brose、Under Armor 、Hogharth等。

Some school clients (部分学校客户)

上海中学国际部(拥有100多位外教);兴韦集团(拥有180多位外教);上海西外外国语学校(拥有30多位外教);上海大同中学国际部;新东方集团;江苏泰州中学国际部;上海燎原中学国际部;浙江金华中学国际部;上海交大集团国际留学中学;Study Group;上海交大继续教育学院国际项目部;雅力留学教育集团的合作学校的数十名外教(上海交通大学、浙江大学、南京邮电大学、安徽合肥工业大学、内蒙古大学、北京师范大学,河北石家庄一中、上海交大南洋中学、浙江宁波柴桥中学、江苏无锡光华学校等);科润留学教育集团的合作学校的数名外教;北京市北外附属外国语学校;北京师大二附中;北师大翰林实验学校;长春外国语学校;常德外国语学校;赣州一中;广州市第一中学;杭州师范大学附属中学;华东师范大学附属东昌中学;华中科丢大学附属中学;黄冈中学广州学校;江苏省南通第一中学;江西白鹭洲中学;昆明市第八中学;西安铁一中; 四川省广元中学;棠中外语学校;乌鲁木齐八一中学;湛江一中培才学校;郑州中学;天津英华国际学校;安徽宿州一中等;语言外教客户:上海昂立少儿培训中心(拥有100多位兼专职外教);上海工商外国语(拥有20多位外教);上海世纪昂立幼儿园(拥有10余外教);上海徐汇区民办世纪昂立幼稚园;上海浦东新区民办世纪昂立幼儿园;Web (拥有数百位外教);上海交大网络学院;上海对外贸易学院;上海徐汇区思源培训中心;上海商学院;上海益赛教育;上海极享教育;上海海恩教育;上海交大学外国语学院培训中学;华东理工大学;上海师大第附属第二外国语学校;上海思博职业技术学院;上海浦东新区民办普瑞姆幼儿园;上海长颈鹿英语;上海金苹果幼儿园;上海交大南洋附属昆山学校;上海交大南洋现代教育中心;上海市计量测试技术研究院;上海科教实中等;中国(深圳)国际人才培训中心(拥有ESL,学科外教100名);沈阳浑南新区创意宝宝幼儿园;无锡国际儿童幼儿园;佛山狮山试验中学国际部;桐乡市现代实验学校;长兴维多利培训学校;开封立洋外国语学校;常州市武进清英外国语学校;北京对外贸易大学;北京海淀区外国语学校;广东深圳10多小学;广东佛山市数所中学;江西师范大学;江西上饶师院;江苏南通商贸高等职业学校;江苏省数所小学;江苏苏州经贸职业技术学院;江苏南京铁道职业技术学院;江苏淮安信息职业技术学院;四川成都数所大学;浙江衢州职业技术学院;湖北武汉大学;湖南省数十所中小学等。

About Bowai Education Bowai Education, established in Shanghai in 2008, have been providing educational consultation and training services with great support from universities and other educational organizations from China and abroad. In the beginning, we mainly provided business English training courses for businesspeople to improve their English. We were well received by our clients due to our professional and dedicated trainers, excellent services and reasonable prices.
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Contact Us
English address: Room 1504, Wisdom Cube, Shunyi Road
No. 18, Putuo District, Shanghai;
Cory Liu 137 6100 0883
Robert He 139 1679 3655
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