
Address to Bowai Education

Address: Room 1504, Wisdom Cube, Shunyi Road No. 18, Putuo District, Shanghai

Address in Chinese: 上海市普陀区顺义路 18 号绿地同创大厦1504室 

(Route tips: If you walk out of Exit 5 of Longde Road Station of Line 13 or 11, walk for 80 meters to Shunyi Road (顺义路)and turn left. You will be just in front of the building. If you can not find it


Tel: 86-021-52080625



About Bowai Education Bowai Education, established in Shanghai in 2008, have been providing educational consultation and training services with great support from universities and other educational organizations from China and abroad. In the beginning, we mainly provided business English training courses for businesspeople to improve their English. We were well received by our clients due to our professional and dedicated trainers, excellent services and reasonable prices.
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Contact Us
English address: Room 1504, Wisdom Cube, Shunyi Road
No. 18, Putuo District, Shanghai;
Cory Liu 137 6100 0883
Robert He 139 1679 3655
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